As an investor, two of the most common biases to be aware of include optimism and overconfidence. These two (2) biases are also present in those entrepreneurs seeking project funding. Analyzing how these biases arise in your mental framework is critical to improving both investment decisions for investors and facilitating the funding process for businesses. For a detailed analysis of how biases affect investment decisions, please see our blog at
Finding an outsider who can offer a fresh perspective on the prospects of an investment opportunity may help eliminate unforced errors. Often, we are just too involved in our own perspectives to be able to see things as they really are when we are wrong. We must remain humble, realizing that as much as we’d like to always be right, mistakes will be made from time-to-time. Humility fosters an open mind and allows us to become better and better decision makers as we go along. As the saying goes:
“Wisdom flows into the humble man like water flows into a depression”
Bach Capital Management is that third party that can offer a fresh perspective on the prospects of an investment opportunity for investors while at the same time helping facilitate the funding process for entrepreneurs. We are a Management Consulting Firm specializing in facilitating the acquisition of project financing through our ability to create investment grade collateral to support project funding requests through the UPPLIFT Investment Strategy.
Our methodology provides investors in high-risk alternative investment opportunities the ability to invest with little risk relative to the types of investments. At the same time, it affords those projects seeking financing with a solution that will facilitate their capital raises. Thus, resulting in a process that really takes the risk out of the investment for investors without the entrepreneur incurring the substantial cost or administrative burden.
We are not lenders nor investors. We do not provide project funding and our fees are for services rendered. Our service is in creating investment-grade collateral through the use of our methodology that will assist viable businesses/business ideas in obtaining the financing they require. Furthermore, our fees are a fraction of what is currently charged for a similar product. Bank Guarantees or Standby Letters of Credit, which are the other types of products used to support financing requests typically charge between twelve (12%) percent to twenty (20%) percent of the total project costs.
Please feel free to reach out to us at to learn how we can help you achieve your goals whether you are an investor or an entrepreneur.

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